Profile & expertise
Suster BV was established in 2016 as an independent spin-off company of the Sustainable Process Technology department of the University of Twente (Enschede, NL). It delivers R&D and consultancy services to industry, with focus on:
– Thermal conversion of biomass and waste streams including polymer waste to produce chemicals or 2nd generation transportation fuels
– CO2 capture and utilization.
Suster also designs and constructs pilot plants to support R&D activities carried out by Suster itself or by it’s customers.
Role in the Project
In this project Suster will deliver the char collection vessel, gas cleaning devices such as demisters and cyclones and the MMA condenser for the pilot plant erected at JSW’s site in Düsseldorf. Where needed Suster staff will provide support during the test campaigns that will be carried out with that plant.